Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thrifty way to treat a sunburn...

Well, usually I like to swim alot during the summer, but my favorite time of day is in the evening when the sun is almost down! However, last week I did go during the heat of the day, and regret it a few hours later. (bad burn!) My kids have been fish scince they were born, and can never get enough pool time! So anyway, this photo is not new, I think it was taken last week or maybe the week before that. Cheyenne was tired cause it was around naptime.
I have a great tip for you all for sunburns! You know that dry, itchy, burning, and peeling that happens to your skin after a sunburn? Ever spent money on Aloe Vera Gel? That stuff has some pretty harsh chemicals in it if you look on the back. Well, I like to add Aloe Vera Gel to my babywipe solution. I was spending the $10 (approx) on the organic stuff from Sprouts-Farmer's Market out here. The bottle is very small! Well, now I do not have to EVER do that again!
Let me explain...My friend Ronnie has Aloe Veras growing all over his Mom's backyard. He brought 4 of them over about 6 weeks ago and planted them for me. They are now growing beautifully! I use this for sunburns, which was in the title of this blog entry, BUT-I also use it for cleaning, moisturizing my skin or scalp, on cuts burns or bruises, in the laundry, (I wash by hand) AND on my face as a cleanser. I gently cut off one arm from the plant and shed the green skin from it. I rub the contents all over the effected areas or area that needs the moisture or natural coolant. I swear by this stuff! It works so well in so many ways, and all it costs me is the water from the baby pool every other day. LOL!
But wait! Hold on! There is one other thing I have not mentioned yet! Have you ever tried Aloe Vera Juice? Might I suggest you look into this wonderful plant, and find out how it can benefit your family, cause it sure does help ours! (we all have very soft clear skin!) ~Barb

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