Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A bit about my children, and my parenting!

A few weeks ago, C. decided she wanted to help with laundry. This is usually how she helps, LOL. I had sorted some clothes and had not had a chance to put them all in the proper hampers. Her favorite thing to do when helping is either play in an empty hamper/basket, or climb "laundry mountain." I just love the cute things she does. My life would be so boring if I didn't have children! C is a very active, outgoing, affectionate, and outspoken confident child. I choose to believe that being breastfed, along with worn in carriers/slings, and co-slept with PLUS gently disciplined has helped her and her siblings in many ways.

This other pic is V and H on their first day of school in August. (They are homeschooled but also attend an enrichment program just up the road from here with ONLY other homeschooled children). I thought they looked great! They are both kinda into mild "goth" styles. I do not allow weird peircings, fake OR REAL tatoos, or a bunch of chains, or weird makeup, evil sounding music, etc. Even in the support I give them, they know there are bounderies. I am proud of them. Proud of the way they look, and proud of them as individuals.

I never get weird looks or comments from people due to their clothes. All the families who's children' go to this enrichment program are homeschooled, so 99% of them are very sweet kids and do not treat others badly. I have taught my children to be proud of who they are as individuals, and treat others with respect. They know that they can be whomever they want to be and know they will get respect also by showing respect. They also know that they can be free to express themselves through their clothes, music of interest, and through their drawings and writings. I have taught them to be creative and enjoy their life even when they feel bored.

Scince we monitor their activities online, they both have their own myspace pages. They have been given our trust, and know what is appropriate and what isn't concerning online and off. We have filters on the computers (there is 5 in our home) and all of them are in the family room. Often times, they are given only an hour a day (This hour does not include homework) of "playtime" on the computer once their chores are done. If they have to be told more than twice to finish a certain chore, they lose their hour for that day. I do not feel this is unfair. If they had tons of chores, then I would reconsider the fact that maybe I am being unreasonable.

C. (the baby) has many many toys. She is asked to pick them up (which I help her with) throughout the day, or before moving on to another activity. (such as blocks or dolls, etc.) My older two are slobs! I admit, their rooms are a disaster! I guess this is normal for a teenager? I honeslty don't bother them much about it...the way I see it is this: It's their space. If they want it to be messy, they floors nowhere to be found, then as long as they keep their door closed when they are not in it-I DO NOT CARE! Granted, once in awhile I do make them clean it when it gets too out of hand.

Did I mention I am not the best housekeeper? LOL! (I'm not super messy) or the house is not unhealthy gross or anything, just a bit of clutter here and there, and maybe it could use a sweepin and moppin more often...but we are happy!

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